Monday, June 15, 2020

Industrial Calculations Determination Of Hygiene At The Industry - 550 Words

Industrial Calculations: Determination Of Hygiene At The Industry (Lab Report Sample) Content: Students Name Instructors Name Subject DD MM YYYY Question 8 ppm Grams Air volume (I) Mol. Wt. 24.45 0.02542 75 339 2 0.00228 300 93 1000 7.164 1200 146 0.002 0.000055 2650 254 Question 9 P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2 T1 = T2 P1V1 = P2V2 V2 = P1V1/P2 V2 = 2200*1.55/14.70 = 231.97 ft3 Solution: The gas will occupy 231.97 square feet if the typical A1 hydrogen gas cylinder has 1.55 cubic feet of gas that is compressed at 2,200 pounds per square inch at the same temperature and normal atmospheric pressure. Question 10 15F = 263.7 K 25C = 298.2 K V1/T1 = V2/T2 V2 = T2V1/T1 V2 = 298.2*15/263.7 = 16.96 liters Solution: The new air volume will be 16.96 liters if a 15-liter air sampling bag is filled at 15F ambient temperature and reverted to 25C under constant pressure. Question 11 32F = 273 K P1V1/T1 = P12V1/T2 1/T1 = 2/T2 T2 = 2T1 T2 = 546 K Solution: The temperature must be 546 K in order to double the 1 cubic meter volume that is occupied by a gas at a temperature of 32F. Question 12 P1V1 = P2V2 P2 = 1.05P1 P1V1 = 1.05P1V2 V1 = 1.05V2 V2 = V1/1.05 V2 = 1/1.05 = 0.95 m3 Solution: At this point, a gas that occupies 1 cubic meter at a pressure of 1 atmosphere will occupy 0.95 liters with an increase of 5% in atmospheric pressure. Question 13 110F = 316....

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